how far to go in supplying consumables
327 Posts
Our Accident Prevention Team is pondering an issue regarding our provision of sunscreen to employees who work outside. The Purchasing Agent indicates we already spend an average of $300 per employee each year in providing tools and masks and gloves, etc., and now we have a request from an employee for sunscreen protection after having got a bad sunburn last summer. The claim has been made that bad sunburns that don't require medical treatment are non-compensable work-related injuries, but that if they did require medical treatment that it would obviously be a work-related injury. The APTeam is really trying to bring down the cost of our work comp coverage, so we've encouraged the Purchasing Agent to accommodate small requests like personal water bottles and bug spray, etc. But she is now wanting to know where to draw the line.
How far do your companies go to protect their employees?
How far do your companies go to protect their employees?
This is simply not a purchasing or cost avoidance problem. It is a safety requirement of the federal government.
Thanks so much!