FMLA taken for relatives in China?

Wondering if any of you have had to deal with this before... I have an employee who wants to take FMLA to take care of sick parent in China.
Will I be giving him our normal "doctor's" verification to have completed - wondering what happens if the doctor only speaks (and writes) Chinese? Just thought I'd put it out there for your input!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes, use the normal forms. If it comes back in mandarin or one of the other thousands of dialects, you may need to take it to your local university of find some other translation service to interpret it. Even here in Reno, NV, we have several options for interpreting other languages.
  • We had an employee who took FMLA to take care of his sick mother in India. We gave him the standard forms which he had filled out and returned. This worked well until the third year. We noted that his mother became ill at the same time every year (Nov. - Dec.) We then had a heart to heart talk with him. Now, he is allowed unpaid leave at this time of year to go home, if business conditions allow.

    Still, this was not as bad as the employee who wanted FMLA leave to take care of his mom and had
    the paperwork filled out by an american doctor who had not ever seen the woman - she resided in a foreign country. That one, we said no!!
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