Medical info in personnel files

I need a refresher on what documents should be included in the separate medical personnel file for an employee. Does anyone have a list including documents such as physical examinations, doctor's notes, drug screen results, etc.?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Any information concerning an employee's medical situation should be kept in a separate file from the general employee file. I keep workers' comp., disability forms, drug screens, FMLA, ADA, insurance enrollments, and any document that has to do with medical information, in this separate file. This file needs to be in a locked, separate file cabinet from the general employee files and must have limited access to the information
  • I agree with Shroom. While we could debate whether technically some documents are actually considered medical records, you are well advised to always err on the side of caution and if it remotely relates to the employees mind or body, the document should go into the medical file.

  • I am not disagreeing with Don about erring on caution..... but
    Worker's Comp, Post employment physicals and drug screens, and Disability do not fall under the Privacy laws. I have been advised NOT to include this information in with the HIPAA files or you could put them under jeporady where they would then qualify for the HIPA protection just because they are now "mixed in with" them.
    In fact, our Life insurance enrollment was on the same form as our group medical. We had to separate these because they shouldn't be in the same file.
    I have been advised to put ONLY insurance pertaining to the employees group insurance, group insurance eligiblity and payments of claims or premium.
    E Wart
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