Random Drug Testing???

Any advise whould be great. Our VP has asked to get information on implementing random drug testing. It is not a big issue regarding drug use here but during our safety meeting we had an incident and we sent the employee for a drug test(as we always do after an incident). The VP wanted to know why we do this AFTER the incident an not before stating that we should be proactive and not reactive. Discussions around, employee moral, cost, etc came up and now we are asking other compaines and getting feedback.

Any advise, feedback, concerns, agreements, etc from those that have it or had it would be great!

Thanks in advance. (We have no union and are a manufacturing company in NY)


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We are a manufacturing company and do have random drug testing. We also do pre-employment, for cause, and post accident. Our random tests are done every couple months and take in about 8% of our workforce, hourly and salaried employees. Our testing has been in place for 15 years and is working very well for us. Any employee who tests positive is then referred for rehab and must sign an agreement with us. They are then tested randomly for a period of time and if they test positive, they are terminated.

    We had a very bad drug problem here many years ago, instituted random testing and haven't had any problems since. We employ about 200 people and are non-union as well.
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