Contract employee and workers comp

We are a not-for profit agency in Tennessee working with people with disabilities in the community. The vast majority of our employees are directly employed and paid salaries by our agency. We have a small number of employees who work on a contract basis and are paid by our agency but are not considered employees eligible for any benefits. We do not pay social security taxes for them and no taxes are withheld from their paychecks. They do not receive W2 forms but 1099 forms. We do provide training for them. One of the contact employees substained a small injury while working. I was told by the office manager she was not eligible for Workers' Compensation since this is a benefit but the Executive Director thinks we may need to be responsible. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with this issue?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Did the injury happen at your facility? There may be some liability then, just as if it was a guest or client.
office on this one!)