Fainting on break - covered?
11 Posts
We're in Colorado and had an employee pass out while she was on her 10 minute break. An ambulance was called because we could not wake her and she was taken to the hospital- not sure what the outcome is as this happened last night. Assuming it had nothing to do with her work environment (she is a crew member at a Taco Bell) would the ambulance ride (and if any injuries) be a work comp issue? Thanks!
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
The example DOL uses is that an ee is leaving to go to lunch and it it the middle of winter and the sidewalks still have patches of ice on them. The ee slips on the ice and braeks an arm - it is covered. THe ee was stupid for walking on the ice when he could have walked around the ice but he is still covered.
The whole point is that you do not know that. Employers have an obligation to file comp claims. At least in this state, the employer does not have the liberty to lounge around and make assumptions about what it thinks might be approved or not approved. If that were the case, there would be no need for Comp Claims Investigators and claimstakers.