Untimely injury reporting

Does anybody out there have 'penalties' for untimely reporting of work injuries? Our policy insists on 'immediate' reporting of incidents, but when someone lets two days go by because they thought the problem was minor, it casts suspicion on where and when the event actually happened. I'm looking for a way to make them report immediately, but yet be protected against any possible claim of retaliation for filing a work comp. All suggestions welcome.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our plant rules specify immediate reporting of injuries and when that does not occur we follow progressive discipline. I believe that is penalty enough.
  • Our rules are to report immediately; however there are times when something minor happens and the employee thinks it is no big deal such as a sliver, minor cut, etc. Then, in a couple of days they have an infection and it is reported immediately. We don't hold it against them in this instance because they had no idea their little cut would turn into something that needs more than just routine first aid. We are fortunate that all of our employees do report serious incidents immediately. If they did not, we would then use disciplinary measures.
  • Our policy states to report all injuries no matter how small immediately failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.

    We expect our ee's to follow this even if they have a splinter. Our Safety Manager may do minor first aid otherwise they are sent to our medical facility for treatment.
  • We require all employees to report immediately (complete with an incident report), even if they don't want medical care. Failure to do so could result in a reprimand for failure to follow policy/procedure.
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