Help needed ASAP!

I have an employee that has emphasema and cannot walk any distance at all, which is not a real concern, because his job duties don't require him to do allot of walking, however, he is very unsteardy and works with machinery and we are very concerned about his safety. We want to send him in for a fitness for duty exam, is there anything I should be careful of??


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Have you talked to him about this, or are you just going to walk up to his machine and cart him off to the doctor? Talk to him about it. I would not talk about emphasema at all. Maybe there is a simple solution to help him get from A to B without a fitness for duty check-up. Make sure you get your facts straight. You worry me when you say he cannot walk at all, but his job does not require him to walk, "allot". If he can't walk at all and he is walking some, that's a problem. Based on your info he would be covered by ADA, but if he cannot perform the essential functions of the job with or without accomodation, you can terminate.

    I'm no ADA expert. I would contact your attorney on this one. Maybe Hatchetman will weigh in, he's the expert.
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