progressive disability

15 year employee with MS. Hve moved her around to several positions with never a formal request, or even much discussion about her problems. She has fallen from chairs, and once down canot get up w/o assistance. There is one more place we may be able to put her but will involve cutting her hours. She needs the income because lives with an elderly mom. No disability insurance available. Will appreciate how some of you would approach this dilemma. Can we suggest she might want to look into SSI? Any thoughts appreciated.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You and your company have done some good things for her, but you are at the point where you may need to have that "interactive discussion" to really dot the i's and cross the t's. I have had little experience with MS and do not know much about "state of the art" approaches to it in today's real world. It might be important for you to have the medical providers insight as to prognosis for that next position that might work. Definitely have her check into whatever other federal, state and local programs to which she might avail herself. Unless she is in denial, she might already know what her next steps should be in this area. Sorry I can't be more specific. Hang in there Shadofax, your heart is in the right place.
  • I agree with Marc and think it's time to get more info from her doctor.

    Regarding the SSI, my experience is that it takes a long time to get approved and they deny nearly everyone the first go-around. Once it gets to that point she should act as quickly as possible.
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