do you appeal a decision?
583 Posts
Just wondering if, when you get a decision from your workers' compensation bureau denying a claim, you appeal it on behalf of the employee. We do not appeal a denial since the bureau addresses their denial letter to the employee and copies us. We feel that it is the responsibility of the employee to submit their appeal in writing to the bureau. If we can assist the employee by providing any information we will do that but we will not appeal on their behalf. What do others do?
We get to deal with the increased cost for 3 years while all of these claims keep our experience rating high and other financial penalties continue to hit our premiums for WC.
That is one way management can be misinformed about WC. Needless to say, we have made some changes in this area.
E Wart
Hey Marc, I hope one of your changes was firing the HR Director who actively worked to get claims accepted, geez what a moron. If it is legit, we want the employee taken care of, if it is questionable, it is our job to protect the companies assets.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman