Confidentiality of Medical Information
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An administration employee is going out on disability leave and has requeted that the reason for the leave be kept from her immediate supervisor. The supervisor has approached me and asked why she is going out on leave and thus far I have replied the need for the leave is major surgery. Am I correct to keep the exact reason from the supervisor?
It seems to me that we ask supervisors to be responsible and to be confidential. After all, the supervisor writes evaluations and retains all sorts of "confidential information." If the supervisor has a need to know, then it seems to me you should inform the supervisor of the reason. Otherwise, you're asking the supervisor to supervise with one hand tied behind her or his back.
What signal are you sending to the supervisor if you don't keep him or her fully informed? You're not trusted? You have the responsibility to supervise but not the authority?
Who makes the decision to approve the leave? If the supervisor is involved, and the supervisor should be, then I think the supervisor is in a position of needing to know