ADA - Keyword "Lifting"

Hello all,

I need your help! Could you clarify when "lifting" became one of the essential tasks listed as an ADA major life activity? I know I saw it somewhere, now I need the information and haven't been able to access it. We have an employee who is currently unable to return to work unless she is accommodated with "lifting" which is listed in her job description. I need this information in black and white as part of her file. She has been on FMLA, the doctor has released her with restrictions regarding "lifting".




  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-09-02 AT 07:37PM (CST)[/font][p]
    Remember, the original provisions of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, Section 504 (and related regulations), and then ADA and related EEOC regulations, in identifying major life activites, were giving examples. Neither the laws nor the regulations intended an exhaustive listing.

    Lifting, as far as I can tell from my sources, looks like it became specifically identified as a major life activity in various federal appellate court in the mid and late-1980's as part of Rehabilitation Act "504" issues. If you consider lifting as a manual task for ADA purposes, "performing manual tasks" was added in late 1991 to the then-existing EEOC regulations on definitions of "major life activities."

    As on old timer and TV watcher, I appreciate your screen name. I assume you are not related.
  • Thank you for the information Hatchetman! I am not related, but loved the show and Gale is my middle name.

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