Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetic

We have an employee who is trying to manage her diabetes through diet and medication (not insulin). When she was first diagnosed, she started attending an exercise class that was held only at certain times of the week. She also has to eat at certain times of the day and check her glucose levels frequently. Her supervisor assigned her to teach a group (I work in a domestic violence shelter) at night, which tampered with her regular schedule of meals and glucose checks. It also eliminated one of the few times she could go exercise. She asked that her schedule not be changed, and gave her supervisor's supervisor a letter from her dietician. She was denied accomodation because her supervisor said the shelter "sometimes got busy at night, and they needed all four shelter staff to work there instead of teaching group." She had offered to teach groups other days of the week. Since that time this employee has been having increasing problems managing her diabetes. She would now like to go to a support group that takes place twice a month on Tuesday nights. I would like the agency to accomodate her because we have accomodated every other request, no matter how absurd it sounded, and I feel that we're headed for a headache (this person is a lawyer!). I need some back-up though. Has anyone had a similar experience, and can you share with me what you did and what the outcome was?
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