Harassment complaint

:-S I have an employee who informed me this morning that she feels that the work environment in her department is "hostile" (her words), that she is being singled out and harassed by her co-workers and supervisor. she has kept an almost daily journal of alleged offences. Mostly performance related. More than just complaining about being corrected. Very over-reactive.

Her harassment/hostile environment include abusive language, singling out to make her unnecessarily re-do her work, Ee imagines super/assistant following her everytime she leaves dept. May be more ee emotional issues, etc. No protected class issues to consider. all employees in department all female.
To add fuel to the fire, it appears she may be on anti-depressants (I was informed by another employee) and is going through a marital separation. I am in the process of interviewing and documenting interviews with her co-workers currently. Any advice or cautions or points to ponder to head off problems/lawsuits.

It is a bedding/decorative pillow manufacturing environment. Ee is in a 4 person "Sample" department.

Any considerations for interviewing or legal issues I should be concerned with?


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