State Workers Compensation laws

Does anyone know a good source for workers compensation for several states? Most state websites are difficult to navigate plus I'd like the information in "plain english".



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • First, I would suggest teh web sites. Even though hard to navigate, can get some information. Secondly, talk with your insurance angent and/or carrier. They should be able to provide help. That's what you pay them for. Thirdly, call the state Worker's Comp agency. You can usually get someone who can explain things to you. There are lots of books you can buy out there, but laws change so fast and these are normally geared to one state.
    Good luck.
    E Wart in GA
  • For a quick reference I like the "Analysis of Workers' Compensation Laws" published yearly by the US Chamber of Commerce. Cost for 2002 edition was $22. Order by calling 800-638-6582.
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