Service time accrual while on Worker's Comp

Our policy states that if an employee is out on leave for any time period greater than 30 days, their service time will be adjusted appropriately. This has the effect of delaying review/increase dates.

I am comfortable with this policy as it relates to STD and FMLA, but I have a question as to the basic "fairness" of the policy when the worker was injured doing a job for us and is out under a physician's orders. On the other hand, I can clearly see that if the absence were to extend to several months, it wouldn't make sense to give the employee a review or raise at the same time as originally scheduled.

How do other companies handle this issue? Thank you in advance for any advice or information you can provide.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I see no problem if the injured employee checks in with you on a regular basis, and goes to scheduled treatment as require, giving you the paperwork to show that he/she went. The problem is when the injured employee does not keep in touch and does not go to treatment. Our employee was injured in May, after September he no longer went to treatment and all most of our attempts to contact him were in vain. We stopped accruing his vaction time as of the date of injury. The only attempt to contact him that succeeded, was in December,, was when we sent him a check for the remainder of his vacation time accrued as of last May.Now it is February, and we haven't heard from him since.It seems rediculous to keep on accruing until Doomsday.

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