Physical Therapy

My benefits person had this question. We have a TPA that administers our WC insurance. We have an employee who was injured in an auto accident while she was traveling in the course of her employment. The accident was the fault of the other party. She did not miss 7 days of work, so there was no lost time to be paid. The question is: she needs physical therapy and our benefits person stated that our WC carrier said the other individual's auto insurance carrier would be liable for these bills and if they were submitted to them, they would not be paid by our WC carrier. Is this correct? How does the employee handle this? Does she let her attorney submit the bills to the other party's insurance? I just want to make sure that our company has no liability here to pay these bills if they are submitted to us.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-26-02 AT 10:44AM (CST)[/font][p]The information you have is correct. I had an automobile accident last year going from one of our plants to another. Since the trip was in the course of performing my job (rather than just coming to work) it was considered a comp accident for purposes of my clinic checkup and my drug test (which I whizzed by on - no pun intended). But, the bill for the rear of the car I struck was handled by my personal automobile insurance. I went round the world talking to all these people on the phone for two weeks before the dust settled, but, that's the way it came out. If my auto insurance had been insufficient to cover her damanges, according to comp and my auto insurance agent, she could have then gone after my homeowner's insurance, even though it was considered workers' compensation for my personal injuries. Make sense? Not really.

    P.S. All parties involved agreed that if the combination of my auto and homeowner's was insufficient to pay my legal obligations to the person I hit, then the Company's property and casualty liability insurance would kick in. (I hid my motorcycle behind a tree in the back yard so she wouldn't get THAT!)
  • You have a motorcyle? Why that's a side of you we haven't seen before. I'm trying to picture a Hell's Angel Curmudgeon in leather!

    Margaret Morford
  • You haven't read my profile, have you? Which brings up a question. Why do all you guys have disabled profiles? Margaret, I will pick you up Saturday morning at 5:45 a.m. just as the Tennessee sun rises. Bring viennas and crackers! Chain the monkey!
  • First of all, I'm from Nashville. It would not be vienna sausages and crackers. It would be Moon Pies, Goo-Goo Candy Bars and White Lightening!

    Second of all, I did fill out my profile, but I went back and augmented it because of Don D's challenge.

    Third, the rest of you go do the same. Tell us that you've updated your profile so we can go look and know more about you than your HR credentials and screen name!

    Margaret Morford
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