Work injury at another job

We have an employee who works another job besides the one she has here. She was injured on the job at her other place of employment and is very restricted in what she can do (she twisted her knee, tore ligaments, and is on crutches--shd can only do a sit-down job and normally works here in our cafeteria as a line server).

First question, would the other place of employment be responsible for lost wages here or, put another way, is there any way she can recoup lost wages here?

Second question, do we treat this as any other non-work related injury? We do accomodate non-work related injuries if possible, but in her case I'm not sure if we can.

Any other thoughts/comments?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I doubt you'll have any success getting the other employer to subsidize your payments to this injured employee. They're already on the hook for medical and probably lost time payments under your state w/comp. Seems to me you pay her for lost time at your employment (just like anyone else unable to work with an injury/illness) and she must report that income to her other employers w/comp carrier. She's not going to be permitted to receive a windfall of income from the 2 employers, so I'd recommend focusing on your place of employment and not fret over her injury somewhere else.

    Offering her light duty, within her medical limitations and within your policy certainly makes sense. Finding any sedentary tasks for her to perform enables you to keep her coming to work and being productive. Work on "managing" her back to her job at your place.
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