FMLA for multiple scenarios

We have an employee who was on FMLA for her ill parents, one parent has since passed away and the employee is also pregnant. I was going to send her an update of the hours she's used thus far (for her parents)so she has an idea of how much time she has left for her maternity leave. Does that sound right so far? I haven't had to track an employee's multiple reasons FMLA before. Also, we don't charge the bereavement leave to FMLA do we? Thanks


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • >We have an employee who was on FMLA for her ill
    >parents, one parent has since passed away and
    >the employee is also pregnant. I was going to
    >send her an update of the hours she's used thus
    >far (for her parents)so she has an idea of how
    >much time she has left for her maternity leave.
    >Does that sound right so far? Yes

    I haven't had to
    >track an employee's multiple reasons FMLA
    >before. Also, we don't charge the bereavement
    >leave to FMLA do we? That is correct.


  • You are not required to give an ee an update of their available FMLA time, but if you feel the need and have the time go for it. And ditto to the response above.
  • Bereavement leave is not charged to FMLA. On the matter of letting them know how much FMLA they have remaining, I think letting them know is the right thing to do. Golden Rule!
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