VT Parental & Family Leave

I can't seem to locate anything on the Forum that specifically pertains to Vermont's Parental and Family Leave Act. I'm hoping the reason is that my fellow Vermonters already know all the answers and can help me!

My employer is very generous and wants to provide paid leave under VT Parental and Family Leave. Can we provide an automatic paid leave of 12 weeks for Parental leave (pregnancy, birth, adoption) while only providing paid Family leave (serious illness) for the length of time that the health care provider certifies (up to 12 weeks)? I want to make sure that we aren't creating some sort of discrimination by not treating the two groups identically.

To further complicate the issue, if we have employees who qualify under federal FMLA (1250 hours in 12 months) but not under VPFL (30 hours per week average in the prior 12 months), can we only provide paid leave to the employees who qualify for VPFL? I don't think we want to have two separate policies, one for those who qualify under VPFL and one for those who don't, but VT's law is different enough that I think it is worth considering. Does anyone else in VT do this?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
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