Our company is reveiwing our current maternity policy, and I wanted to see if any could provide feeback of their company's current policy re: duration/eligibilty of time off, amount paid, FMLA). Any feedback would be most helpful.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Pregnancy cannot by law be treated any less favorably than any other illness/disability, nor should it be treated any more favorably or differently if you want to be non-discriminatory and perhaps avoid charges of discrimination. I don't know of a company anywhere, any longer that has a separate 'maternity/pregnancy policy'.
  • Don, you forgot to mention your disclaimer for state regs. x;-)

    Venture, check your state regs for your policy also. CA has Pregnancy Disabily Leave (PDL) which gives 4 months of leave time that can run concurrent with FMLA. Perhaps, possibly, maybe, The People's Republic of MA has something similar.
  • Don D -

    Your response was right on - I can't imagine a "maternity leave" policy any more, thought those were all abolished back in 1978! I remember the date very well - I was two weeks away from going back to work at the end of my maternity leave when President Carter signed the PDA.

    Of course, I also don't work in one of those "people's republic" states that has the interesting, employee-friendly laws!
  • Our organization allows one week of paid PARENTAL leave after the birth of a child. This leave can be taken by the father or the mother.

    A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

    Mary Poppins
  • Agree with the others, don't know of anyone with a specific maternity policy any longer.

    We are a multi-state group and handle the state-by-state differences with a paragraph in our policies. In our disability policy we state what our policy is and that if a state's disability policy supercedes this we follow the state. Same with our FMLA policy - we state what our policy is but also that if a state's supercedes ours we follow the state.

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