FMLA? ADA? Work Comp?

Employee calls in sick on a Friday and again on the following Monday because she did not feel well as a result of working near the designated smoking area in the building.

She did not give a specific reason for calling in until the following Monday, and ironically enough, smoking was prohibited in all areas of the building on the Friday she called in. When she was told about this change on the following Monday-the second day she called in due to this(three calendar days later), she said she still could not come in, as she 'still needed to rest' - after not working since the previous Thursday.
When asked for a note from her doctor, she said she will not go to the doctor as she cannot afford to. She has exhausted all earned paid time so far this year, and there were no prior complaints on this. Can we require her to go to the doctor so we know if and how this has affected her? How would you handle this?
Work Comp?
Potential ADA?


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