FMLA form??

I just found out that an ee will be out for a while(medical reasons)and as of today there is no return to work date. The ee's boss asked me if there is a form that the ee needs to fill out before returning to work. I know that I need a dr. note saying that the ee is able to return to work with or with restrictions. I guess my question is, is there a form for which the FMLA requires? This is in michigan!

Thanks in advance!


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The DOL physician's certification form, or some reasonable facsimile you have created, should include somewhere an "estimated" duration of leave. We require that before sending the entitlement approval letter. Otherwise you are leaving this open-ended for the entire 12 weeks.
  • Skylyon: If your FMLA program is already in place and you have all the notices posted and your normal FMLA forms are in place and your question is; Is there a certain form that returns them to work, then here's my answer: What you would need when they are released by the doctor is a statement from him which serves as a 'fitness for duty' form, stating that they can return on a certain date and mentioning any restrictions the doctor imposes. Then your company decides whether you want them returned with restrictions. FMLA doesn't require that you do that, but you might if you decide to.
  • I have a Fitness for Duty Form I'll send you if you e-mail me. Just remember that you have to require it from every employee returning from medical leave, WC leave, etc. You can't just require it of FMLA only.

    Margaret Morford
  • We use the same procedure that Don's company does. We do require every employee to present a certification to return to work after being on FMLA.
  • Margaret,

    I get the idea of consistency from every employee returning from leave. Is it a problem if you only make it take effect for more than a one day sick leave absence or in the event EEs are on a PIP for absenteesim and tardiness?
  • I did a broad-range search for FMLA forms just last week and came upon a PDF from the U.S. Department of Labor (OMB No. 1215-0181 exp 7/31/04) that states "This optional use form may be used to satisfy mandatory employer requirements to provide employees taking FMLA leave with Written notice detailing specific expectations and obligations of the employee and explaining any consequences of a failure to meet these obligations." The form covers eligibility, time frames, medical certification, paid leave options, health insurance & other benefits costs, fitness-for-duty certification, key employee status, and periodic updates. All layed down in black and white. I thought it was quite a find.

    As stated above, this is an Optional use - it is not required by DoL. I'm still searching for other FMLA forms, such as a standard fitness-for-work certification.

    -Abby, HR newbie
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