Tracking FMLA

I am trying to develope a tracking system for FMLA. The company I work for has always granted leave to those in need, but until NOW has never actually issued FMLA. Well I was the lucky person to put this into motion so to this point there is no record etc. of any person who was issued FMLA. Besides the paper work file I am keeping I would like a spread sheet or data base of some sort in order to quickly and easly keep track of those EE's dates etc. that have been issued FMLA or are currently on FMLA.

Is anyone will to share the type of information they track, how they track it etc. I was thinking of an Execl spreadsheet and maybe colorcoding for those who are currently out on FMLA. Any suggestions x:-/


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I just purchased a very affordable software program to track my FML. I was keeping it by hand and it just got to be too much counting. I purchased some software from [url][/url] and am very pleased with it. Now all I do is select a date on the calendar and the software does the rest. At the beginning of the program you set up your FML parameters and the software adjusts from there. It was a worthwhile investment. Good luck.
  • I've been using the calendar on my outlook to track FMLA time as well as ensuring company paid benefits are set up in the payroll system, and sending monthly reminder letters to the employee informing them of any money they owe towards their health, AFLAC, dental, etc...

    It works pretty well if you don't have very many to track.
  • mushroomhr which software package did you purchase...typically how many FML do you have to track
  • I actually found the software package that you used mushroomhr...Does anyone else have any other suggestions. As affordable as I think this software is my manager will NOT! Also any have any example spreadsheets they have created?
  • We use calendar cards.........I know, cave man manual system, but it works for us.
  • I am lucky to have an employee with extremely good knowledge of Access database.
    She has set up all of our attendance recording, inlcuding FMLA on Access. We will start utilizing her program Jan. 1. To date, we have used hard copy calendars for exempt and non-exempt.
  • I simply set up a spreadsheet with the following columns: Name, Dr. Cert. Received, Beginning Date, Expected Return Date, Dr. Release Received, Date of Return, Total Amount of Leave Used. Whenever an employee requests leave, I simply do a search for that person's name, and Shazaam, there it is! I can quickly caluclate the amount of leave available for the employee. It's not software, but it works for me. Prior to this, copies of the letters were kept in folder. That was the tracking system!
  • The last company I worked for had a spreadsheet system to track the hours. It started with the total number of hours allowed (according to that individual's work week--some of our ee's worked 3 twelve hour shifts so their total was different that a 5 day eight hour work day schedule)

    The calculation was set up to "subtract" each occurrance from the total. In other words, the total column was in a right hand column, and immediately to the left was the date in one column and then number of hours used on that date (or week) in the adjacent column. To the right of each entry then, was the current running total. Three columns total. "Date" "Time used" "running total"

    If this is not clear and you'd like to call me, please let me know. I hope this helps. I liked the spreadsheet system and thought it worked well, but have recently been considering the software from JJKeller someone mentioned above. I currently have it in my possession for review.

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