Co pd ins prem pd durning FMLA?

I am a HR manager for a small company with 55 employees. My company pays a small portion of the ee's health premium as long as the ee is eligible for health ins. One of our ees is going out on FMLA and told me that the portion of the ee's health ins prem must continue to be paid while the ee is on FLMA. Does the ee pay all of the premium to maintain the ins while on FMLA, or does the company continue to pay their portion of this premium? What is the ruling for this?

Thank you for your help.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The company would continue to pay their portion and the EE is required to continue paying theirs. The EE should be treated the same as if they were reporting to work each day. The EE can choose to pay the entire amount they will owe prior to going out on leave, they can elect to continue paying in installments while they are out or they can elect to "payback" what is owed upon return from leave. Make sure you get their decision in writing, however.
  • Linda S. is right. The Company continues to pay the same as it did before the employee went on FMLA. The employee is required to pay their portion the same as usual also. We have terminated converage for employees who have not paid their premiums. Of course, this is after giving them notice and a chance to bring the premiums up to date. We do try to work with employees though, knowing that sometimes they are taking leave without pay for FMLA.
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