Wisdom Teeth & FMLA

We are getting multiple requests for FMLA for wisdom teeth. We use the physician certification form for the employee to get the necessary information. The problem is that we've had dentists complete the forms allowing for absence anywhere from 4 - 6 work days for removal of teeth. I don't consider removal of wisdom teeth (with no complications) as a serious health condition that involves incapacity. I do recognize that there may be 2 dental visits. I am struggling with why this may be a qualifying condition under the FMLA. What are other experiences with this "condition"?
Look at it this way, by allowing the employee the four to six days to get the problem fixed now you will be reducing the amount of work the employee might later miss due to infections or headaches.
I agree with the above post that What is the big deal? As long as you are consistent when a physician certifies, the quicker the EE uses the time, the sooner you no longer have to worry about it.
But...on the other hand, you will be wasting a lot of your time trying to second guess these people. I would just let them burn up their leave (hopefully,your leave runs concurrent with FMLA). If the dentist signs the certification stating they need this much time, I would just let it go...it's not worth the hassle and waste of your time.