Tracking time taken Please Help
71 Posts
How do you all keep track of employee's FMLA usage? I am having trouble determining when certain employee's leave is exhausted because they only report to me which days they are intending to take off, not what days are actually used for leave.
Any ideas would be helpful. Software? Spreadsheets?
Any ideas would be helpful. Software? Spreadsheets?
I hope this helps. I know there are Attendance Tracking software packages you can purchase but depending on the size of your company, something as simple as a spreadsheet may work.
A spreadsheet is what I would really like to use. The resonsiblity of FMLA was handed over to me about 6 months ago, so I am still trying to sort everything out. We have about 400 employees at various satelite locations. Right now our accounting department (payroll) is in charge of attendance. They receive the sheets that employee's turn in when they miss work. Perhaps if I could get ahold of those sheets...
How do you set up your spreadsheet?
employee name in column 1 and dates absent next to them?
I am trying to get something together to take to my boss.
Thanks for your help!
What I would do is request that the payroll department provide you with the sheets on a weekly basis (or a report that summarizes the attendance information) so you can go through them to document time missed for FMLA on the spreadsheet. I used to do the same thing for a company of about 350 and it usually took me only about one hour per week to complete this task so it is not a long drawn out thing.
I hope this helps.
My boss and I are going to sit down with the payroll Clerk and Manager and discuss our options. I will definately suggest what you have told me!
Thank you! I really appreciate it.
I am looking forward to having a system that works for everyone .