Is there any regulations that prohibit a company from granting family medical leave to an employee due to the serious illness of a brother? I know that it does not fall into the definition but if an employer wants to give it to an employee because it is the right thing to do in this case does that pose a problem with FMLA?


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  • The Dept. of Labor website says a reason for taking leave is to care for an "immediate family member(spouse, child, or parent). They do not mention siblings at all, and I haven't really seen anything else that would prohibit this. However, keep in mind that if you do decide to do this, you are in effect setting up your policy to incorporate caring for ill siblings into the definition of reasons for taking leave. If you do this for this employee, you set a precedent. If someone else wants to take FMLA leave in the future to care for a sibling, you'll have to grant it for them in order to stay out of legal trouble.
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