Need information reguarding WC for outside contractors

We are attempting to contract some small carpenter and cleaning projects. The bidders do not have WC but have a letter of exemption. Does anyone have the rules govering this. I believe that if they employ under a certain number of employees or are sole employee that they are exempt. All the bids we have received are from independent people. Any help Thanks


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There is a FL rule that exempts some small er's from WC. I found info through Google. I wouldn't use someone without WC. Especially construction. Pay a little more and find someone with coverage.
  • Not just WC but also find out if they have liability insurance to cover any thing that may be caused by their employees. According to our insurance provider if they do not provide this coverage, their employee will fall under our responsibility if they cause damage to our property or a customer, etc... same if they should casue an accident and someone is injured.
  • The Florida w/c statute is Ch. 440 and can be viewed at [url][/url].

    I agree with other posters that you should look for a contractor with w/c and liability insurance. If the contractor doesn't have it and is performing work for your business, you could very likely get stuck with the bill, and I don't mean the bill for the construction.

    best wishes
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