Handling of staff complaint

We had a staff member lodge a complaint about her supervisor. She is demanding that "something be done" to the supervisor, i.e. termination. Are we legally bound to inform the employee what action was taken with the supervisor, or is it sufficient to let her know that it was handled by the administration? Also, are their legal implications if we (the administration) divulge this information to others in the company?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You are not required to tell the employee anything. In fact, I wouldn't tell the employee anything other than "We have investigated your complaint and taken appropriate action."

    Do you want this employee - or any other - to think they have the power to get anyone fired on demand? Or, just as bad, do you want other employees to think this employee calls the shots?

    The least said the better. Investigate, take appropriate disciplinary action, hold a refresher course on the policy violated... but don't divulge, confirm or hint at any link between any of those activities to any employee.
  • Absolutely agree with Frank. If your employee becomes insistant or responds as if you have not done anything, remind them of how much they would appreciate your attitude if the shoe were on the other foot.

    Good luck!

  • I would also add that you can reassure the employee that if the behavior doesn't improve that they should let you know right away or if they feel that somehow they are being retaliated against they should also let you know ASAP.

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