What a Mess!!!

Several weeks ago I was approached by an EE who informed me that her car had been keyed the previous week and she thought she knew who did it. In talking with her she informed me that there were several individuals who were engaging in sexually explicit conversations and that the female of the bunch was complaining to her about the comments the men were making. She went on to inform me that she felt the female was creating some of the problems on her own as she was encouraging the discussions and went so far as to bring a picture of herself to show the guys involved. This picture, while I was assured did not show her entire breasts, showed a picture of her with her shirt pulled quite far down to expose two tattoos (one on each breast).

I conducted the investigation and all the guys involved admitted to seeing the picture and, while they admitted to SOME of the inappropriate statements, all stated that she initiated the conversations.

Meetings were then conducted with all involved (the initial complaining party was NOT mentioned) and all were told to immediately cease any sexual discussions, inappropriate picutres, etc. They were also told that they were not to say anything to anyone else about the issue and that it was to remain confidential. Did NOT happen.

Last week I received a report of one of the guys going around to other employees making assumptions about who "ratted them out". This was addressed and the individual was told to keep his mouth shut.

Then later last week I received a report that a month or so ago the female employee involed above brought in a rubber sex toy (use your imagination) and showed it around the plant (this was 2nd shift). Why it was not reported I do not know and am addressing that issue.

Then last night one of the guys involved above comes into my office to inform me that last week Thursday he was working next to the female above and all she kept doing was talking about sex and the things she and her friends had planned that weekend (in detail). He futher informs me that he went to the Leadperson and asked to be transferred as he was concerned about losing his job.

After verifying this with the Leadperson I spoke with the female who remembered having a discussion with the EE and remembers there was some "sex" talk but she cannot remember specifics. I then suspend her pending an investigation.

I get a call this AM from the EE who initially reported the problem who informs me that she is very scared as last Wed. the male EE who reported the femaly talking about sex to him was walking behind her and called her a "dumb F"""ing C***".

What would you do? I would like to fire the whole lot of them and start over!!!


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You are right -- you have a mess. My advice would be to sort out each issue and investigate it and then deal with any consequences. I am sure it is overwhelming when you think about the whole matter but if you break it down into the pieces -- list the concerns, then talk to each person involved to see what you can find out -- it will be much easier to handle. And, of course, document, document, document. There may be several people who have violated one or another of your policies (which I hope you have).

    You may need outside assistance on this one.

    Good luck!
  • If you feel the report of the second incident involving the female who brought innappropriate material and items to work was credible, I would think the place to start is by immediately terminating her.

    That step might send a clear message to the other employees that this type of behavior will not be tolerated. You might not have to do anything else. Its amazing how much an atmosphere can change if you remove the right person.
  • I think I agree with Paul. You have enough 'evidence' to let the suspended woman go. That may be enough to break the clique, but I'm not sure it will. It will send a message. I think I'd also issue a written warning or suspend any other folks who admitted to participating in the risque conversations/activities. That will send the message even further. I think I'd further remind each one as the disciplines are handed that if the issue doesn't die, more will be subject to discharge for further the hostile work environment.

    best wishes
  • I know I agree with Paul! This behavior is totally unacceptable in the workplace. She must go. And the threatening language by the employee who walked behind and called the informer a name should be handled in a strong manner as well. How are they getting work done with this kind of drama?
  • At this point, I would be more concerned about the woman who revealed this episode. She has had her car damaged and recently threatened. This matter needs to be handled quickly and the higher ups need to get involved.
  • I agree with Rita. Remove the person that threatened the original employee that revealed this it is never okay to threaten someone in the workplace. If he is threatening what else might he be capable of doing? In our company the language he used would be enough to get him terminated.

    I also agree that the employee with the picture and the sex talk must go and she must go immediately.

    I would than let anyone else involved know that if this does not stop right now more will be gone.

  • Ive had this level of mess before. Here's how I handle.

    1. Get the facts. Interview all involved and witnesses.
    2. anyone who violated the policy is terminated.
    3. replace them with more professional people.
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