stuck in the middle

Do any of you ever get put in the middle between an employee and their ex-spouse? I have an employee's ex-spouse call me when she needs a new insurance card, etc. for their child rather than contacting the insurance company or her ex.

I'm tired of being put in the middle and feel this is something that should be handled between the two individuals. If she had a problem with an issue after contacting the insurance company then I would gladly help but routine matters I feel, should not involve me.

Anyone else have these issues?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would have given her the telephone number or web site address and explained to her that she can easily obtain the needed info and much more if she wanted to.

    The whole purpose of a company setting up a web site is for the convenience to the person using their product.
  • I did that but she needs the SSN or ID number of the employee in order to converse with the insurance company and she said she didn't have the employee's numbers - and she didn't want the employee's SSN.

    I think in the future I will merely tell her to contact her ex-husband for her needs.
  • You are really between a rock and a hard place.

    If the employee is responsible for the insurance for his child, even if the child is living with an ex-spouse, it is the employee's responsibility to make sure the ex has an insurance card. It is certain the insurance company is sending at least one card, and the employee can always request an extra one for the child.

    Is the employee approachable about this? It sounds like things are still rough between the employee and his ex. If the employee is approachable I would let them know I am getting these phone calls and that the issue can easily be resolved if they just make sure they get a copy to the ex. After all, it is their kid who needs the coverage. (Does the ex really need to get a court order for the card?) Sometimes these are just the kinds of things that people do not think of when they get divorced. If the employee is NOT approachable, I would not bother them. No need for you to get further involved and be caught even more in the middle.

    Either way I would tell the ex that the card issue is a personal issue and she needs to talk to the ex about it. You should not be involved.

    Good luck.

  • Thanks fall or your advice. Your thoughts are the same as mine. I did talk to the employee about this yesterday. It is not the first time we have gone through this as it has been happening at least a couple times a year and I'm getting tired of it.
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