Can some one explain to me what HRIS is? (I know this is probably a dumb question followed by another dumb question) Is this the same as a company called TRAK-IT Solutions? Has anyone ever used Trak-It? Is it a good data base? Problems? Our company is probably quite behind in all of this - which keeps me wondering about something else that maybe you all can help me with.

Do you modernize for the sake of modernizing? In other words, using a data base, putting everything into some kind of computer program (which for us would be Trak-It). The concept I have a hard time with is when there is a discrepency. If I run a report that shows for example what one employee's salary is but the short term disability insurance carrier says there salary is something else, you just have to go back to the hard copy. A piece of paper filed in the personnel file. How has that save me any time? I see myself maintaining both a personnel file and a data base. Again, where is the time savings?



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Earl, apparently you are not required to provide management with HR Reports. That is where the time saving comes in. To manually have to calculate the average rate for example, or a senority list, or provide the different departments with their updated rosters, etc. is time consuming.

    It is not modernizing but becoming more efficient and accurate. Once you have an up to date data base your ability to provide vital information and reporting to your managemnt people will be of tremendous importance.

  • Rita, I do have to do reports. But, I am a small office of one. (Used to be two here and one quit - the boss!) We have 96 full time ees, and 15 more part time. I know who is newly hired and recently termed. I know who just got promoted and so on. It does not take forever to produce any kind of report. Other reports are easily gotten from finance. If they are maintiaing infor and can run a report, do I really need to keep a separate data base?
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