EEO-1 Reporting
174 Posts
We must complete the EEO-1 report this year. How does your company go about collecting EEO-1 data from your current employees? Does your company have a form that you send out to employees or do you do visual observation? We have a demographic form that we have employees complete each year. Can we legally put the EEO-1 categories on it for employees to complete. Does it have to be on a volunteer basis? If you have an employee and you are not sure of their race, how do you handle it?
If you will send me your e-mail address, I will email your our EEO01 survey form. I had my ee's update this year to the new categories. Identification information was voluntary. Name, address was not. All ee's turned in form. For those that did not self-identify, I coded them as a visual identification.
I re-surveyed my employees and did find some differences between my AAP reporting and my EEO reporting.