Relocation Package

We just offered a position to someone who lives in another state, and she accepted our offer. We do not have a relo package, and the topic did not come up during the interviews. She said she and her spouse were planning on moving to either AZ or FL, and she was interviewing for jobs prior to their decision.

Now she has asked for relo help, such as finding temporary housing. We have no budget for this, but we are willing to help her out.

I have no experience with relocation. What are normal expenses or services the hiring company (us) might take care of?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Q, if you email me, I can send you our relo policy and forms.
  • We do not have a relocation policy either. One thing we have done a few times is offer the new ee a pay advance to help with the expenses then they paid us back through payroll deduction. It was their responsibility to secure the moving company and make all arrangements, we just sent them a check. I have a couple of times rented an apartment for a VP and a manager during their transition.
  • for upper management we typically offer up to 90 days in a furnished apartment and move their household goods. We also pay for expenses incurred during final move such as mileage, hotel, etc.
    We have the EE sign a relocation agreement that states if they leave within 1 yr, they owe the money back.
    You may not want to spend that much, but I would think a furnished apt is reasonable. In my business, a relocation package can make or break a job offer.
  • Thank you for your quick responses!

    She's already accepted the position, and we want to make it a smooth transition for her. She's being placed in a newly created position and it will be chaotic enough without having to worry about where she will live, etc.

    I'm sure I'll come up with new questions as we move forward. x:-)
  • Hey Q - In my experience relocation is negotiable and can range from mileage to and from cities to up to 6 months temporary living and meals, closing costs on sell and buy of real estate, one or two month's extra salary for incidentals, kennelling pets, stalling horses, etc., etc. As said before, relocation packages can often make or break a deal..
  • One place my hubby worked for would pay to have your stuff packed up and moved (but not unpacked), and would even buy your house at market rate if it took longer than 3 months to sell.

    The places I have worked have usually gone on a case by case basis. If they really wanted the person then usually they agree to spend a certain amount. Some items were excluded, but the people moving never had a problem meeting the amount allowable.

    I think it comes down to what your company is willing to pay for this person and how they feel about setting precedents (or have you already got one?)

    If this person is wanting to move to your area, are you sure you need to even pay relocation costs? Will they go to work somewhere else if you refuse? Were they planning on coming anyway and just testing the water?

    It really all depends upon the size of your company, your budget, and how badly you want this person.

    Good luck!

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