Volunteer programs

The Mayor's mother would like us to start a Volunteer program yesterday. I would like to avoid it until after 2013 (when I retire.) Seriously, I remember vaguely from my non profit days, that volunteer programs, if done correctly take time and energy. Do any of you have programs and would you be willing to share a bit. .What kind of application do they complete? Do you do backgrounds? Job descriptions? Are there WC and liabilty issues? Thanks in advance. I do NOT need this is a week we are trying to wrap up negotiations with the Firefighters. x:-(


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our program is pretty easy to administer & well-received. We allocate 8 hours of PTO time for people to use during the year and have left it pretty broad (i.e. field trips, helping with fundraisers, etc.)

    Not everyone uses it but would say about 40% of our team does.
  • Thanks mbeam. I wasn't clear. this would not be an employee volunteer program; rather folks from the community volunteering for our City. Most likely doing meet and greets in tourist areas.
  • Several of our departments use volunteers. Parks & Recreation and the Library use them thoughout the year. Public Works uses them for specific programs such as "fall clean up." However, we really don't have a volunteer program. Each department does its own thing to recruit volunteers.

    There are liability issues. Our workers' comp. carrier offers volunteer coverage, which we choose to purchase. Our Mayor and City Councilors are unpaid (except for a small stipend and expense reimbursements), so, although they are elected, they are technically volunteers covered under our volunteer insurance. You will want to consult with you WC carrier to learn what programs are available.

    You will also want to consult with your general liability insurance carrier. You will want to make sure that you are covered if a volunteer causes damage or injury to a third party. We conduct background checks on most of the Library and Parks & Rec. volunteers as they work with children and seniors.

    I don't know how large of an organization you are, but if you really want to set up a coordinated volunteer program, you may want to create a position of Volunteer Coordinator

    Good luck with your firefighter negotiations. It looks like I am headed to interest arbitration with ours.

  • Yes, create a volunteer coordinator position. It can even be a volunteer position.

    Volunteers are wonderful but if you treat them like employees, you will end up with some headaches. Someone needs to be looking out for them and giving them the support and appreciation that they will be expecting.

    We have a full time volunteer coordinator. We have our volunteers complete an application which gives us an idea of where they can help out. We have just begun running criminal history checks on all volunteers (we have only done checks on those working with kids in the past).

    We do not cover our volunteers with WC and its never really been an issue. I might propose that you really think about that before you do. It could open a can of worms you dont want.

    A volunteer program can be a wonderful thing for your organization but it takes a certain amount of investment. Yes, these volunteers are GIVING you their time and effort but I think you still need to find ways to say "thanks" and show appreciation.

    Whether its a t-shirt or a big "thank you!" bbq, you need to let them know that you appreciate their contributions.

  • Thank you one and all. Good information and I appreciate it.
  • If you give me your email address, I will send you helpful information. We are in long-term care and have volunteer programs at each of our 6 locations.
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