Drinking...off the job

I work for a financial institution and I have a manager that has recently been regressing in her position. She has been spoke to about her regression in areas to do with conduct and performance. Her supervisor has told me she thinks her regression is due to something in her home life. Well last week we believe we found out what her home life issue was...on two occasions she was seen overly drunk in town. Her supervisor and I sat down with her again yesterday, we went over conduct, performance, and our Drug Policy and let her know we are here to help her. She was not willing to open up to us. We do not have an EAP so that is not an option. Is there something else I could be doing for her? Has your organization went above and beyond to help an employee with a drinking problem? I know I can't force her to seek treatment, but would sure hate to see her loss her job, she has been with us for 7 years. She has been a good employee up to a couple of months ago. Any help, comments, experience with this situation is appreciated.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would document and discuss performance issues only. Her off duty drinking should not come into her job performance. Only if she comes to work and appears to be under the influence would her drinking become a work issue. If you don't have a substance abuse policy you should consult an attorney and get one in place.
  • Unless you have something in your code of conduct that addresses "company image" outside of work place, performance is all you should address. That said, we have an employee with an off the job drinking problem which started causing him physical problems. His doctor told him to quit drinking or he would die. The doctor provided a serious health condition certification and we allowed him FMLA for the re-hab time. Good luck!
  • My first thought was that possibly she has a family/personal problem that is driving the drinking problem. Something may have occurred a couple month ago to cause her to over indulge.

    For someone to work for you for 7 years with no problems and in the last 2 months bottom out is strange. Can you follow up on that idea?
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