1. Has anyone heard of Identity theft protection being offered as a payroll-deducted benefit to employees? For a "premium", the employee receives restoration services - the company works through calling the credit card companies, banks etc - employee doesn't have to do that.

2. What about pre-paid legal services also?

3. Is there a firm that offers training to employees concerning protection of personal data
used by the company?

Thanks for any info you might share!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We offer 1 & 2 to our employees. From what I know, its really a waste of money until you need it, but the premiums are generally pretty low - ours cost about $15 semi-monthly for each product.

    3. The Gallup organization does a great program called PACE that's geared toward auto dealerships - we trained everyone on it because it not only deals with personal data collection/protection/etc, but with Reg Z, Fair Credit Reporting, and others. Their website is [url][/url] - they may have non-dealership products as well!
  • Our parent company offers pre-paid legal services so we do too. The cost is $8.25 twice a month (100% paid by employee). The service is also supposed to help you deal with identity theft, but I have not seen it used so don't know how well it works.

    Good luck!

  • Have used PPL on both sides of the coin. EE's think they are getting a good benefit, but from a personal standpoint, I have not been happy with service provided. This may not happen in larger popluation areas, but the problem I have run in to is the law firm you are referred to by PPL generally will not take the case due to a previous relationship with the other party.
  • We considered identity theft coverage for our EE's but decided against it.

    We are a bank and have had good luck using our state Attorney General's office for training. Just last week the AG himself did a presentation to our staff. One of the benefits of living in South Dakota! Perhaps your AG's office has someone who can do some training from their consumer protection area.
  • We use Pre-Paid Legal Service, which offers ID Theft training and restoration. They contact you via email when there is an inquiry on your credit report. So far, I think everyone is happy with the service...they'll help with your will, review contracts, etc. Pretty reasonably priced, too.
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