Supervisor Performance Review

We are in the process of creating a "Performance
Review Scorecard" for our production employees
to fill out on their immediate supervisor.

Any suggestions on the questions we should list?
I have "How would you rate your training".....
but that's it so far.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Holy mackeral! Are you brave.
  • Are the ratings/comments from EEs annonymous, kind of like a survey or are you planning more like a 360 review where the supv may know or at least speculate on who is providing what?
  • Yes, the responses will be annoymous.
    The goal here is to reduce employee turnover.
  • If reducing turnover is your goal, why only focus on the supervisor? Do you know the problem is the supervisor and want it confirmed?

    If you are going to poll your employees, why not ask more general questions as well. You may be surprised.
  • Good, because I think the 360 has much more risk then what you would gain.

    If you take time & do this survey right you can gain lots of beneficial info and have a positive outcome.

    Here are a few questions I asked EEs to rate between 1 - 5.

    Your supervisor:
    demonstrates fair & equitable treatment
    develops cooperation & teamwork
    encourages & listens to suggestions
    follows policies & procedures
    provides recognition on the job
    resolves problems & complaints
    Communication between you and your supervisor

    You probably have considered all of these but just in case here are some things to do:

    Make sure you have a large enough pool for credible results.
    That anonymity is protected so you don't undermine trust.
    Sell it for the positive reasons you are doing it to get buy in.
    Let supv know it can benefit them & you won't beat them if the ratings are low. And don't allow any perceived retaliation to EEs if supv ratings are low. Otherwise don't start this process.
    Then present the results in the best way to improve areas. If all goes well you may want to do this again in a year since you now have a benchmark.

    Wishing you the best in this proactive process.
    As you know there are many reasons for turnover but supv are probably #1.
  • Great suggestions! I appreciate this more than
    you can imagine!!!
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