Arrest & Conviction

If an applicant lists on the application that they have been arrested and convicted of a crime (i.e. shoplifting, drugs, etc.) is it legal to consider that fact and NOT select that applicant for the interview process?
>and convictions even it was a long time ago? I
>thought I read somewhere in my travels in HR
>that one could not give weight to that???
State laws vary with respect to whether you can consider arrests and/or convictions in making employment decisions, and some states certainly do prohibit employers from considering certain types of convictions or convictions older than a certain number of years. Many states do not allow any inquiries at all into arrest records. I believe in NJ you can consider conviction records, but only if the conviction is related to the job. I don't know about arrests. I definitely recommend that you investigate NJ's position on this further before taking any employment action based on arrest/conviction information.
Tony Kessler, director of editorial
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
(615) 661-0249 ext. 8068