HIV Employee

I just found out that one of our employees is HIV positive. I found out when the CEO and myself met with our insurance broker to discuss our insurance renewal. We were presented with info about our insurance experience for the year. We came to a page that showed some of the prescriptions that were costing us the most money. When I inquired about the one that was the most, $1,800 monthly, he told me it was for HIV. Actually, there were two prescriptions on the list for HIV, the other cost $1,500 monthly. I am 98% sure I know who the EE is because he is openly gay and out sick OFTEN. We have long suspected it, also, because of some of his symptoms. This EE is a counselor for children who have been sexually abused. This EE will often assist the doctor during exams for the children. Do you see any risk with this? Should I tell his supervisor in case something comes up that may cause a risk for our patients and employees? We do not discriminate against any of our EEs. However, I just want everyone to be safe that is around him. We actually love the EE. He is a great EE, except for his attendance, and good with the kids.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • "I am 98% sure I know who the EE is because he is openly gay and out sick OFTEN."

    1. If you are not 100% sure of anything, don't tell other people.
    2. Unless a supervisor has clearance to receive confidential health information, don't pass any information of this type along to him.
    3. Whether this ee has HIV or not, do not perceive him to be unable to perform his duties or you could open yourself up for an ADA discrimination claim.
    4. If you are required to comply with Osha's blood borne pathogen rule, make sure all ee's do so.

    Good luck.
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