Grievance Procedure

Do any of you outside of a union environment have a formal "grievance" procedure. We have a new CEO who comes from a hospital environment and he is asking these type questions. We are a non union large medical practice.

Just curious what the rest of you do in case of employee disputes.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We are nonunion. Our process is called complaint resolution and defers the situation basically via open door policy to direct supervisor, next supervisor, and HR (me). While the worker is encouraged to attempt the resolve complaints as quickly as possible with direct supervision, he/she can step to another position in the line (department head, VP for his/her department, or me). At the time the complaint is addressed, the employee is notified that as much confidentiality as possible will be honored but notice of the complaint will be communicated to the supervisor, the supervisor may or may not be involved in identifying a resolution, and the recipient of the complaint will remain involved in the process until a resolution is reached.

    We have some supervisors resistant, but it is a process that works fairly well.

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