Withholding Final Paycheck

I work for a wireless provider, and each of our employees are eligible for their own cellular telephone plan. The phone is mostly for business use, but we do allow them to use it for personal reasons. If they do so, and incur charges above the plan, they typically pay for them. Our management team wants to make some changes to say that the company has the right to withold their final paycheck until all charges are paid. I have huge concerns over holding any paychecks. I didn't think we could withhold their final paycheck.

If we created a form for them to sign when they sign up for the phone, could we say that final charges will be deducted from their last paycheck. I have concerns about this, too, but figure if they sign off on it and are aware, then it would be okay. I think this solution is better than withholding their final paycheck.



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