Refusing FMLA
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An ee was sent home from work because she "flipped out" and was unable to work. Management advised me to send her FMLA paperwork. Management spoke to her at home and she said she'd been to the doctor and was put on medication and that she might be bi-polar. She returned to work Monday and did not bring a return to work note from her doctor or the certification of health for FMLA. I requested both of these and she advised me she had been on vacation and not on FMLA and that upper management knew that (they are the ones who told me to put her on FMLA). so now what?
However, the issue here is that she was sent home; apparently she did not request the leave. I think you need more details as to exactly what she was told. Was she told to go home for just the day and she chose not to return for several days? Or, was she told to go home and not return until a doctor certified her as fit for duty?
I guess the bottom line is whether her absence was due to a medical condition or not?
She went to the doctor, has medication and is diagnosed as bipolar. I would not have put her to work. She would have been told she MUST bring a release from her doctor to return to regular duties.
Once you have the answer to these questions you can better determine what needs to be done.
Whether she had vacation scheduled prior to her being sent home makes NO difference in the above scenario other than the date she returned to work.
If she was instructed to return to work with a fitness for duty cert., that is what she needs to do. She cannot simply choose to take vacation instead of FMLA as it is the employer designation.
I think you need to find out more information before making a decision.
Regardless, this is an opportunity for you to teach your management staff the potential dangers of meddling in YOUR business. Telling ANYONE to go home and get their meds straightened out is a stupid, stupid thing to do.
Sound familiar?