Docking Exempt Salary

For those of you in California... If you have an exempt salaried employee who takes LESS than 8 hours off due to being sick - and does NOT have sick time available, can you dock him? Then the same question for vacation - wants to take LESS than 8 hours off for vacation but does NOT have any vacation available, can you dock him? I am hearing that the law has changed some on this, but not sure where or how.... (??) Help?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Federal DOL mandates that exempt ee's cannot be docked for less than a full day of work - I don't think any state law can override that requirement. So, any salary reductions must be made in full day increments. My employer grants unlimited, within reason, personal time to ensure exempt ee's are paid in full day increments. If and exempt ee begins to abuse the privilege, then they are subject to disciplinary action.
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