Office Space
179 Posts
We are having a going away luncheon for an employee and we want to have the luncheon and watch a movie. The movie we want is "Office Space" which is R rated. I am planning on sending out an email to everyone in the office to let them know the rating of the movie and that they have an option to not attend. Does that sound good enough so as not to offend anyone?
I know of a company that watches "The Office" to show what not to do in the work place. Very funny, I think.
I know of a company that watches "The Office" to show what not to do in the work place. Very funny, I think.
I've been toying with the idea of incorporating clips from The Office in my seminars on workplace harassment, etc. That show cracks me up.
tomaytoe, tomawtoe
Whatever you decide to do, I hope you all have a good time.
This has been a slow boring day for me, so I've been having more fun on the forum.
I'm not criticizing you Elizabeth, merely giving an alternative point of view. Ultimately, you would know best what is appropriate for your ee's.
Love that movie. Now I need to go watch it again.
A very definitive disclaimer was e-mailed out, and almost everyone showed up and had a great time.
In both cases, the managers were disciplined for sexual harassment. The e-mails were even used as documentation, since they showed that the managers knew the material was likely to offend someone.
One of the instances was at my wife's office. She narrowly avoided discipline, and all she did was bring the DVD from our home. (The movie itself was selected by the office's wellness committee.)
In other words, sounds like fun, but it has a propensity to end badly.