Fishy smells in the office...

How do I appropriately address an obvious hygiene issue. I have an employee that really smells, the nurse has suggested it could be a medical condition. Perhaps a yeast infection that has been lingering to long and has resulted into something else. How could I address it without being offensive?
Be gentle. Be discrete. Be firm.
But don't expect them to be grateful. In reality, they ought to be but that hasn't generally been my experience.
Be careful that you dont find yourself making a greater effort to solve the problem than the employee is making.
You may also want to search the rest of this forum as this topic has come up many times.
I have dealt with this issue several times in my career; and a couple of times the employee did not realize there was a problem and thanked me for making him aware of it.
Oops.. I meant to say it was RAINING. HARD. Don't come to Oregon.
The only thing I would be careful about in saying other employees find a person's odor offensive is that in my experience, that will be the last thing the employee hears coming out of your mouth.
The rest of the time will be spent wondering who has complained and feeling hurt. Your lips will continue moving but nothing further will register.
Worse, they may ask you who is complaining or try to find out.
Take the bullet for the team and proceed as if the smell observations were solely your own.