Sample Cell Phone Policy ???

I am thinking about writing a cell phone use policy for my company and wanted the forum's members to pipe in with their thoughts or sample policy language.

Beyond the "vicarious liability" item in the news section of this site today which I found very compelling, I also want to address the inappropriate use of cell phones during work hours.

What issues have you faced in your company about their use? What remedies did you take? Do you have a policy to share to reinforce your company's position?

My concern stems from cell phones ringing in office settings that disturb coworkers or distract the cell phone call recipient from doing their work. I also have concerns about camera phones that could be used to steal proprietary information.

Any responses would be appreciated by the Indiana Catbert (wink).


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We keep it very simple and say,

    "Cell phones are not permitted for personnel use on the manufacturing floor or in the restrooms. They can be used in the employee lunchroom or outside the building during lunch and break times only."
  • I think that about covers it.

    We often catch employees texting while working in the classrooms (we are a childcare company) and have accepted that this will take regular "policy reminders" and education about why this is not acceptable. Simply writing them up every time (and eventually firing after enough warnings) seems not to be a deterrent. They just get smarter about hiding what they are doing.
  • Cell Phone Policy: (office environment)
    The XYZ company will not be liable for the loss of personal cellular phones brought into the workplace. While at work, employees are to exercise the same discretion in using personal cellular phones as they do company phones. Excessive personal calls during the workday, regardless of the phone used (personal or company), can interfere with employee productivity and be distracting to others. The XYZ company encourages a reasonable standard of limiting personal calls during the work time to emergencies or essential personal business and in keeping all such calls brief. Employees are asked to make personal calls on non-work time where possible and to ensure that friends and family members are aware of the policy.

    If personal calls become excessive, it is the responsibility of each Supervisor to address the issue. Due to privacy maters, the use of personal camera phones can be a totally different matter and each Supervisor should be prepared to act immediately if they suspect misuse.

    As with any policy, management staff members are expected to serve as role models for proper compliance with the provisions above and are encouraged to regularly remind employees of their responsibilities in complying with this policy.

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