TX - FCRA/Barrier Crimes

I used to work for a company that developed an FCRA Consent and Disclosure Form indicating that Barrier Crimes for which there was a conviction would make an applicant ineligible for employment. I'm looking at writing something similar at my current employer, which is in the Health Care Industry.

The State regs for TX (under Ch250) states there are 13 convictions that would qualify as a permanent barring from employment and 5 convictions requiring a bar under 5 years from the date of conviction. However, the form used with my prior company expands on the list of convictions to include felony or misdemeanor convictions for drug abuse or illegal possesion, as well as finanicial exploitation of the elderly, which is absent from the State regs.

Would this be considered an improvement on a State Statute? Can employers take the regs and come up with their own disqualifers for employement (non-discriminatory)?

Sorry so long. Thanks

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