[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-19-07 AT 04:24AM (CST)[/font][br][br]It is important for a employee meeting with clients that the employee have a very good personal appearance. It was noticed that the employee's teeth (they have dental insurance) and their hair toupee is not as pleasing to one as it use to be. How should I approach this? The employee does a great job! Thanks for your input!


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Merry, I'm laughing as I write this because I have this mental image of this person based on your description. You made my day. Now to the problem.

    Hopefully your policy addresses the appearance factor as being important for this job. With that backing you up, I would be as direct with this person as you would be with someone with a hygiene problem. Maybe this IS a hygiene problem. I don't know. Whatever it is, it needs to be brought to this person in the most direct fashion.

    One word of caution. Just be sure that this isn't an age issue. If it is, let us know and we'll go down that road.
  • I want to know how to get 'your' issue. Mine is just the general, run-of-the-mill appearance issues--ear spacers, dark fingernail polish, hair stiffeners--an that's just the guys. It's NOT a gender issue!

    It's been a rough day already and it's not quite noon. Thanks for the chuckle.
  • You note that the employee does a great job. How is that measured? Is he successful in landing sales, or taking care of existing customers? If so, then maybe you should rethink the importance you place on appearance, because your customers are telling you it isn't a big deal.
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